Works Well With Others? : 1 2 3 4 5
I have been out shooting three days now, and finally had today to take a breather. I met with various members of our group so we could all get on the same page about what the story is and how we're going to tell it. I think the biggest challenge so far has been that we all have different ideas about how to do things, and various levels of experience and skill. Those trained at UNC (myself and the designer) know how our director Rich wants things to be, but the others do not, and apparently have not been told. Things like, we absolutely have to have names of all the people in the photos, unless it is totally impossible. Today was a bit frustrating as I realized we were all lacking bits of important information. For instance, I just learned from the designer today that the enter site is going to be about "The Ancient Way" or traditional ways of doing things that are changing or dying out. For me personally, I also struggle with knowing how and when to step in, as a leader, and help guide things. With this group, that is not a very easy thing to do. So I am surprised that the challenges with this project are not in photography, but in working with others. I think for today, I'll give myself a 3 or 4, but of course I am aiming for the 5. You may view a rough edit of about 30 images from the 3 day festival in Sabucedo. I am shooting one more festival this weekend and then will pretty much be done shooting, although I will keep shooting other things on my own.
thanks for the encouragement. all the photos are mine. i'm heading out this weekend to shoot another Rapa event, then that will be it.
Though you may feel frustrated right now about working with others, I am absolutely sure you are doing just fine! You are without a doubt one of the most diplomatic and tactful people I know. And working well with others usually just means that you stop a sec to take into account the other person, which you naturally do! How do you think I survived this house??????
You're pictures are stunning....I'm already envisioning a few of them in your room! On a different note, have you seen your new roommate on bobcam? He's a little on the strange side, even for our house!
Mr & Mrs C---I'm glad Cindy was enjoyable. I am praying that Dennis won't be a menace. Be safe!
ok, i was just scanning through these and got really confused, thinking for some reason that people were eating horses. see, i have to keep updated daily!
the photos are amazing. you have an amazing ability to recognize and translate culture - that is, it's incredibly obvious that these people are not out in montana or something. i'm very impressed. don't let yourself get are the bomb.
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